Stewards for Christ

A Prayer Ministry of Faith and Hope


Welcome to: STEWARDS FOR CHRIST. My goal here is to share my walk of faith with you and others. A journey to know Christ; weave daily prayer into our lives and get closer to God. Yes, it is a personal journey. A path at times we travel alone yet yearn for accompaniment with others. This is when the action of the term Synod comes in…journeying together.

As His child and a Prayer Warrior, we must pray for one another, for the world and our needs. Times are troubling, and those weak in faith, unsure, those forgotten need our prayers. Let us share our walk of Faith with them.

Many of you look to this page for the Devotional to the Prescious Blood of Jesus Christ. It will remain. Please continue to pray it throughout the year. Many souls will benefit from all your prayerful efforts.

Our mission…to save souls for Jesus Christ. He wants us to seek him. We need to seek him.

May God’s peace and blessings be with you always. Guadalupe Irma


Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Devotion

Thank you for praying this great devotional during the month of July with me. Please pray it forward.

How to pray this devotion How To Pray PB Jesus Christ Devotional — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 1-9 Novena Honor of Nine Choir of Angels

Great Month July: July 1-9 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 13-15 Novena in Honor of the Most Holy Trinity

Great Month July: July 13-15 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 20-31 Novena for the New Israel

Great Month July: July 20-31 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (


Additional prayers to this great devotion:

The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Chaplet of the Precious Blood Chaplet Of The Precious Blood — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Litany Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Consecration Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consolation Prayers Consolation Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Adoration Prayers Adoration Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Anguished Appeals The Anguished Appeals — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Mystical Prayers of our Lord Jesus Christ Mystical Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

May God bless you.

Be Merciful Lord

Among God’s Beauty Photo by Guadalupe I Frakes

Conversion of Sinners

Lord Jesus, there is a storm headed our way.

The weight of our sins has placed us in the path of your might.

Our souls spiral into darkness and no repentance of our ways in sight.

What will it take to convert us Lord?

We are lost, confused and have misplaced how to ask you for help.

Some forgot how to pray, and some don’t believe in its power.

There are many of us Lord, Jesus.

Some of us walk this earth blind from our hearts to our souls.

Many of us are true doubters like Thomas needing proof, and many of us do not believe in you at all.

You chastise us to test our faith, to shudder our spirit, these lessons we must take heed.

There are many who will refuse you to the end. This will sadden your heart Lord, for your objective is to save us all.

The time is now.

What we have brought from our pasts into our present is critical to our salvation.

Help us, we so desperately need you Lord, we can't do this on our own.

What will it take to convert us Lord? Help us to repent Father.

Encourage us to end our sinful ways, to shed the skin of false gods, to follow your law, hear your Word.

Convert us Lord, descend your Holy Spirit on us. Cleanse us.

Help me to pray for humanity to rethink its paths. Lord Jesus, you are the Way, remove our blindness.

You are the Truth let us hear your Word. And you are Life, cleanse us so we may stand with you eternally in your heavenly kingdom.

Spare us your wrath Lord, for you are patient, merciful and abundant in love for us.

Guadalupe Irma Frakes

The calmness of water Photo courtesy: Guadalupe I Frakes

You Spared Me Lord

My Lord Jesus, you spared my life today, but not my neighbor, why?

I've lost everything I worked for, yet you spared me Lord...why?

The storm stripped me of all my earthly belongings, yet I stand here before you.

Bruised, hungry with only the clothes on my back, I wander in confusion.

What task do you have for me Lord Jesus?

Because all I see is destruction before me,

Maybe my blindness allows not your light to enter.

Guide me on this unclear path of jagged edges,

One set of foot prints I see Lord…yours,

You carry me just as you carried all our crosses.

I humble myself before you Lord,

To embrace each day…born again,

To accept each trial with courage,

To lift others to see you in their hearts,

To ask for forgiveness for tomorrow you will call on me Lord.

This is why you spared me, to do your will,

Lord Jesus, I am ready to receive to you.

Guadalupe Irma Frakes

We Thirst for you Lord

Lord Jesus, we are a people lost and confused.

In today's modern world we wander to its idols and entitlements.

A people unsure of its future.

We have forgotten our compass Lord...You.

Some hunger for a hero to save them from the uncertainty and others thirst for the waters of a now salvation.

You sacrificed your life on Mount Calvary and saved us from our shame and sins.

Through your precious blood on the cross your Devine Mercy poured out for our salvation.

Through your resurrection you gave us life.

Our direction is dead ended. Our focus is blurred as we stumble through this journey.

We don't realize we thirst for you Lord.

Help us.

We need you today, Jesus, as your sheep we've scattered.

Our souls are empty of its trust in you.

We are imploding for we have forgotten your cross of salvation.

Help us to place our sufferings in your hands.

Bloodshed has spilled with hate as its dagger.

Anger has pitted us against each other, and our differences has rallied storms throughout this nation.

Help us to love each other again as you commanded.

Strengthen us through your mighty power to let go the tools of the evil one.

Send us your mighty armies of Angels to defend us from evil as its darkness shrouds our souls.

Send us your Holy Spirit to awaken us, to guide us, to renew us and to prepare us for your coming.

Lord Jesus, you are the Way, make clear our paths.

You are the Truth, let us hear your Word. And you are the Life, cleanse us so we may stand with you eternally in your heavenly kingdom.

Through you, Jesus Christ, all things are possible.

 Guadalupe Irma Frakes

Roses Photo courtesy: Guadalupe I Frakes

End of Day

What a day Almighty Father. Thank you for blessing me with it.

I did my best. I pray it pleased you.

Although there were moments of sin, I meant not to fail you.

Yet you poured your loving mercy and goodness upon me.

I thank you for that blessing.

The guardians you sent, are ever watchful over me and my family during our peaceful sleep.

Send your mighty warriors to watch over our homes and all who live within.

Protect and defend us from evil and its darkness that we may awaken to do your will.

I love you with all my heart and soul Father; thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.

Please, continue your blessing and grace upon us, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Guadalupe Irma, © 2016

The Homeless

Holy Spirit, tonight homeless men and women will sleep under a bridge, in a back alley, behind a store in a parking lot, on a park bench or up against a brick wall somewhere in our cities.

Their life's belongings, all that they own, carried in a bag, or stuffed into a grocery cart or on their backs.

Some unshaved, unbathed, hair knotted, hungry and of thirst, their shoes are worn with miles.

 Let us not forget the children of this same invisible fate, because there are many.

Their hidden shame, no teacher may know.

They hurt Holy Spirit. Reasons unknown, they are scarred with this difficult way of life.

Did we fail them? Have we turned our backs to their pain? We are a nation of plenty.

Imagine their numbers.

Some choose to remain lost from their families.

Some hide from society, and some don't want to belong, a heavy burden of shame.

And some run from God.

O' Holy Spirit, open their hearts to yearn for their Father's embrace sheltered in his love.

Strengthen their weakness to seek God's grace, to bring them back home. 

Shield their souls from Satan, that they don't falter.

Open wide their paths to seek their way back to our Lord.

O' Holy Spirit, heal their souls, strengthen their faith to offer their lives and sufferings to Christ.

Renew their spirit that they may be found. Encourage them today to trust in the Lord's help; to receive our Savior in their hearts and souls.

Bless our homeless with helping hands from kind Samaritans not looking for payment.

Their love for mankind is enough.

Bless them with your gift of Fortitude for strength to push away any threat of their salvation. 

Bestow the gift of Piety, that they may relish true peace.

And your fruit of Peace upon them to endure their trials with humility.

O Holy Spirit, hear their silent cry, lift up the homeless multitude, enlighten their paths...

Guide their hunger for the Word of God. Overflow their cup of thirst for God's mercy.

Renew their faith, they are part of God's family.

Remind them that through Christ's death and resurrection their sins forgiven, and life granted to them.

I ask this Holy Spirit, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Guadalupe Irma 08-11-2016

Humanity’s Healing

Oh, Holy Spirit, I seek healing for our human existence from its painful and internal turmoil.

The sin of Prejudice weaves through humankind and grows heatedly daily like wild fire.

Like other sins, Evil has handed down Hatred through generations from father to son.

Holy Spirit, hear my cry.

This nation bleeds from its heart, and Anger spews from its mouth.

These evils bear no fruit but pits mankind against itself.

Oh, Holy Spirit, free us from these seeds that rot our souls.

Help us to listen to God, to trust His love for us.

Encourage us O' Holy Spirit, to depend on God, to listen to Him and his messages for they are loud and clear.

To seek out his Son, Jesus Christ and place our sufferings in his hands for his willingness to carry our crosses.

Help us Holy Spirit, to pray for the end of Anger in our hearts towards one another that continues to be fueled by Prejudice and Hatred.

Our stubbornness to take matters into our hands ensues our inability to trust our Lord that He can help us.

Holy Spirit, save us from this weakness.

Send us your gift of Knowledge Holy Spirit, so that we discover your teachings and recognize the difference between good and evil.

Send us your fruit of mildness, that we deter from our Anger and beat down ill talk toward each other.

Send us your fruit of meekness and humility to share with one another for Jesus is meek and humble and send us the fruit of Peace, that we embrace serenity in our souls.

Holy Spirit, reside in our hearts, renew us-heal our wounds, release us from our guilt, and soften our harden hearts.

Enlighten us when we stumble on rocky paths, ignite us with your fiery love, strengthen and renew this nation under God.

I ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Guadalupe Irma 07-30-2016