Prayers to our Savior and Redeemer
Send Us Your Divine Mercy
Jesus, as you know…
A volatile country bullies with nuclear toys,
Terror attacks cross international lines to kill and maim,
Presidential Impeachment slithers between fake smiles and phony handshakes,
And protest claims of white supremacy and racism march against multicultural societies.
Jesus, as you know…
Breach on Christianity rips at the fabric of souls,
The wrath of storms and the earth quaking beneath our feet tests the strength of faith,
And fear of homelessness, looting, disease, total destruction floods in anger and dread.
Jesus, as you know…
Multitudes of souls are lost within their sins,
Humanity has thrown in the towel,
Lifelines wash out to sea with no return,
And generations to follow teeter on failure as reliance on convenience swallows them.
Lord Jesus…
Throwback the towel of forgiveness, wipe our tears,
Remind us of your cross, the lifeline to Salvation, our beacon of Hope,
Echo in Your Word to guide us back home, remove the deafness,
And strengthen the ground beneath our feet, take hold of our crosses.
Along with your love, Lord Jesus, send us your Divine Mercy. Amen.
Guadalupe Irma, 09-01-17
Judgment Day
My Lord, Jesus Christ appeared to me one day, and I heard him proclaim:
"I Am Coming"
He continues to say: Worry not of the material items within the four walls of your dwelling, those are insignificant in my house.
The time to prepare is this moment for the hour waits on no one.
The time to get your house in order is now.
Prepare your soul.
Take in all that surrounds you, what do you see?
Did you learn from previous lessons I sent?
Those trials that afforded you forgiveness or to forgive.
Did you take heed of them?
Reconcile all matters on this earth, as it reconciles in heaven.
Receive my precious blood for YOU have been breached.
Your hands are deep in bloodshed, corruption, unlawful desires between neighbor and family.
Crimes against the unborn runs rampant like the Nile River in blood...your blood.
Let not your nation fall like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Your seeds of hatred and anger have fallen on your children.
Now is the time to weed out those sins.
Hear me; save them through me as I am the Way.
Look to my Father's Word, for it is bequeathed to you through me as Truth.
Are you ready?
I Am Coming.
Guadalupe Irma Frakes
At the Foot of Your Cross
I kneel at the foot of Your Cross Lord with arms filled with trials,
Trials to enlighten, guide and strengthen me.
Times, I listened and moments I dismissed them, yet…
You reminded me of your constant presence in my life.
Trials or chastisements I hid behind other needs so to forget,
And you still uplifted my soul with Your Love and Graces.
Heavy is my spirit, and You continue to carry me.
Forgiveness, Your plan all along Lord by Your cross.
I raise my sins to you Jesus, heal me; embrace my heart.
Forever I love you my Savior, forever I thank You for my life.
Guadalupe Irma 1-30-13
Be afraid, Be Very Afraid
Fear your sins soldier. You spiral downward without a saving parachute.
But if you wore one, when would you pull the cord? Ask yourself...when?
When would you stop the fear of your soul splattering onto a dreadful landing?
How long doomed would you remain? When would you realize your sins have the cord of repentance?
(**Moment of meditation)
Pilot to co-pilot. Pilot to co-pilot. Can you hear me?
Pull the other cord! You still have time to save your soul. Pull...I say.
Look ahead to your new landing. I give you new coordinates.
Look upward to the sky. A new sign. Do you see it?
My Son's cross, your salvation on your landing. Pull THAT cord. Now.
Follow the rule book your Commander gives you.
Learn it well, it is Truth to live by.
Your Captain awaits you; He will show you the Way.
He is merciful.
When captured behind enemy lines He suffered greatly by their hands.
He brings forgiveness through that horrific torture.
His blood, he chose, spilled instead of his squadron's.
Wish not this same fate, you would not survive without him nearby.
Receive him with gladness. He loves his entire squadron.
Fear him not. He is your guide the rest of your missions.
Stay vigilant, the enemy is nearby.
Should you continue this disobedience of my Word...
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Guadalupe Irma 10-14-2016