Stewards for Christ

A Prayer Ministry of Faith and Hope


Welcome to: STEWARDS FOR CHRIST. My goal here is to share my walk of faith with you and others. A journey to know Christ; weave daily prayer into our lives and get closer to God. Yes, it is a personal journey. A path at times we travel alone yet yearn for accompaniment with others. This is when the action of the term Synod comes in…journeying together.

As His child and a Prayer Warrior, we must pray for one another, for the world and our needs. Times are troubling, and those weak in faith, unsure, those forgotten need our prayers. Let us share our walk of Faith with them.

Many of you look to this page for the Devotional to the Prescious Blood of Jesus Christ. It will remain. Please continue to pray it throughout the year. Many souls will benefit from all your prayerful efforts.

Our mission…to save souls for Jesus Christ. He wants us to seek him. We need to seek him.

May God’s peace and blessings be with you always. Guadalupe Irma


Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Devotion

Thank you for praying this great devotional during the month of July with me. Please pray it forward.

How to pray this devotion How To Pray PB Jesus Christ Devotional — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 1-9 Novena Honor of Nine Choir of Angels

Great Month July: July 1-9 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 13-15 Novena in Honor of the Most Holy Trinity

Great Month July: July 13-15 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 20-31 Novena for the New Israel

Great Month July: July 20-31 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (


Additional prayers to this great devotion:

The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Chaplet of the Precious Blood Chaplet Of The Precious Blood — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Litany Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Consecration Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consolation Prayers Consolation Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Adoration Prayers Adoration Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Anguished Appeals The Anguished Appeals — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Mystical Prayers of our Lord Jesus Christ Mystical Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

May God bless you.








Our Lady of Guadalupe

O' sweet Lady of Guadalupe I pray to thee,

You, loving Mother of our Savior look upon me and my uncertain life path,

with your guiding light I walk head-on.

O' sweet Lady of Guadalupe, your Son's love for me is everlasting as is yours.

The trials I carry need your strength so I may conquer them in good faith.

I pray for your continued presence in my life. Help me understand the road opened to me to do Jesus, your Son's will.

O' sweet Lady of Guadalupe guide me to pray for all,

Keep me safe and protect me from the evil one,

Hear my request Blessed Mother so that I may understand what lies before me.

Bless me o' heavenly Mother, in your holy name I pray Our Lady of Guadalupe.

(Insert your prayer request)

Blessed Mother, our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us.

Guadalupe Irma Frakes, © 2013


Within Your Mantle

O' Blessed Mother, what a precious life, the infant Jesus, you and Joseph cherished.

You wrapped him within your protective mantle,

You held him so close to your heart.

You looked into his eyes and could not imagine what was before him in his life, that you held our King in your arms.

Blessed Mother, we…your sons and daughters, look into our eyes, and hold us so close to your heart.

We yearn your love.

Please guide us to Jesus, your Son. During our walk, embrace us so as to feel so safe as we near your Son.

O' Blessed Mother, during our journey on this earth of trials, of despair, of confusion, of sinfulness, and of fear of death, bring us solace, enfold us within your mantle.

Protect us from the hand of evil, crush it that it may no longer sway us.

Fill our hearts with your love; embrace us from harm, guide our every step, this from you o' Blessed Mother.

We only imagine how your only child felt, so secured in your love.

Blessed Mother, you enlighten our paths. You gifted us your rosary and encourage us to pray it for defense against the evil one.

Forget not those that are lost,

Blessed Mother, seek out your lost children, and those that feel free from a mother's love, bring them back I pray.

Under your mantle Blessed Mother, keep us.

In your name I pray through your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Guadalupe Irma Frakes, © 2016


Simple Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe 

Años pasado you appeared to a simple peasant, Juan Diego.

His obedience to you Madre, o’ Mother, persevered against all odds.

Nosotros, tus hijos, we your children ask for your strength to handle our

weaknesses and challenges. Help us to pray.

Guadalupe Irma Frakes, © 2017


Our Lady of the Americas

Sweet Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of all nations,

You cradle our sufferings, no matter what country.

You listen close of the colorless struggles our trials deem to take us.

You encourage us, your children, prayer is the key for our spiritual pain.

Your comfort the cries of humanity with your warm love as a true mother does.

No matter what multicultural crosses we bear,

We remain ever under your protective mantle.

Oh, Blessed Mother, Our Lady of the Americas, lead us to strengthen our faith.

Guadalupe Irma Frakes, © 2017


My Blessed Mother

Good morning Blessed Mother.

Thank you for your watchful eye during our rest, and for our safety under your mantle.

I'm so ever grateful for your love and presence in our lives.

You've reminded us throughout our journey with small hints, to never forget you are beside us as our loving mother, watchful and guiding over her children.

What a blessing you are to us, to my family, and to the world.

Blessed Mother, help us to understand why some things might not go our way. Help us to understand our different point of views.

Enlighten us to offer our prayers for the many as this is so needed.

Guide us to walk the right path and to guide others in their paths.

Watch over my family, bring prayer into our lives and lead us to your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.

Bless us with your special graces and strengthen our Christian Faith.

Reach out to us when we stumble Blessed Mother, when we become lost in our faith, when there is no place to turn to; comfort us in our grief and heal our hearts from anger and pain, that we feel your loving presence with that little tug in our heart and soul.

Protect us Blessed Mother; help us to pray your Holy Rosary for it is a powerful tool in our lives against evil and prayerful for those who need your strength and guidance from its Mysteries.

What a wonderful way to honor you.

Oh, loving Mother, as we walk with you today and you with us in our hearts and souls, I offer you our day, all of us as we are yours, to do good and honor you.

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for your love, your gentleness, and warm embrace.

I love you and ever grateful to God, our Almighty Father that He chose you to be our Blessed Mother, Queen of the heavens and earth. May all the hierarchies of angels and all the saints praise you and honor you.  In your name I pray. Amen.

Guadalupe Irma Frakes, © 2016