Stewards for Christ

A Prayer Ministry of Faith and Hope


Welcome to: STEWARDS FOR CHRIST. My goal here is to share my walk of faith with you and others. A journey to know Christ; weave daily prayer into our lives and get closer to God. Yes, it is a personal journey. A path at times we travel alone yet yearn for accompaniment with others. This is when the action of the term Synod comes in…journeying together.

As His child and a Prayer Warrior, we must pray for one another, for the world and our needs. Times are troubling, and those weak in faith, unsure, those forgotten need our prayers. Let us share our walk of Faith with them.

Many of you look to this page for the Devotional to the Prescious Blood of Jesus Christ. It will remain. Please continue to pray it throughout the year. Many souls will benefit from all your prayerful efforts.

Our mission…to save souls for Jesus Christ. He wants us to seek him. We need to seek him.

May God’s peace and blessings be with you always. Guadalupe Irma


Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Devotion

Thank you for praying this great devotional during the month of July with me. Please pray it forward.

How to pray this devotion How To Pray PB Jesus Christ Devotional — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 1-9 Novena Honor of Nine Choir of Angels

Great Month July: July 1-9 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 13-15 Novena in Honor of the Most Holy Trinity

Great Month July: July 13-15 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 20-31 Novena for the New Israel

Great Month July: July 20-31 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (


Additional prayers to this great devotion:

The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Chaplet of the Precious Blood Chaplet Of The Precious Blood — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Litany Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Consecration Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consolation Prayers Consolation Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Adoration Prayers Adoration Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Anguished Appeals The Anguished Appeals — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Mystical Prayers of our Lord Jesus Christ Mystical Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

May God bless you.

 When God gives you Unexpected Lenten Crosses

What do these words mean-unexpected Lenten crosses? Why would God do that? Hidden lessons to discover?

The beauty of Lent-inward spiritual reflection of our walk with Christ. Or no walk with him. The season brings personal revelations clear as day. It may take the 40-days, but in the end, the response or conversion is up to us.


Any of these challenges occurred during a Lenten Season in your lifetime? Unexpectedly? What was your response or outcome? How well did you receive it?

1.     Physical Injury-broken bone. Sprained muscle. Torn tendon. Chronic Pain. Various ailments, etc.  

Response: Unwelcomed timing. An annoyance. Suffering. Impatience. Persecution.  Difficult to endure.

2.     Mental/Emotional Conditions/Complaints-unable to cope. Crippling. Chronic fatigue, etc. 

Response: Crying. Anger. Out bursts. Temporary or extended conditions. Doubts. Procrastination. High Tensions, etc.   

3.     Unexpected Forced Burdens-being a Caregiver for a relative. Preparing someone’s financial assets. Additional projects at work. Extra Errands.

Response: Stress. Impatient. Disagreements. Disapproval. Frustration.


Sound familiar?

The Plus Side

Yes. There’s a plus side to those startling crosses God gives us:  

1.     Opportunities to ask Jesus for help.

2.     Build and grow a trusting relationship in God’s bigger design for us.

3.     An open door to develop patience, a surrendered suffering, conversion, and compassion for others carrying similar crosses.

4.     Be assured God always bring out the good.

5.     Believe and feel confident in God’s graces during our fallen and broken moments.

6.     Ask, pray, and beg Jesus. What is his message? What is he trying to teach us? Pause and think…meeting Jesus Christ during our Lenten journey coupled with an unexpected cross…wow. What a privilege.


Think about this: Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry a heavy, wooden cross behind Jesus. The cross filled with all our sins, immoralities, darkness, idolatries and more. Foreseen? Or really unexpected for Simon?   

*The Plus Side: Conversion to Christianity. Discipleship. Example for us-take up our cross. Follower of Christ.

What would you do if you were forced to carry someone else’s burden? Any conversions? Compassion? Or would you refuse?

Even as children of God, he sees how we’ve fallen, is sadden by our broken spirit, and disappointed of the level of sin we are drowning in.

Yet, he loves us no matter what. Lent is an opportunity to return to God. Return to our Father. To come home in heart and soul. He wants us to persevere in confidence of His graces and depend on him every moment.


St. Phillip Neri: “never try to evade the crosses God’s sends you for you will find a heavier one”

So true. Be receptive of that unexpected Lenten cross God brings your way. Whether this season or anytime of the year.


God is trying to tell you, me, all of us, something.