Stewards for Christ

A Prayer Ministry of Faith and Hope


Welcome to: STEWARDS FOR CHRIST. My goal here is to share my walk of faith with you and others. A journey to know Christ; weave daily prayer into our lives and get closer to God. Yes, it is a personal journey. A path at times we travel alone yet yearn for accompaniment with others. This is when the action of the term Synod comes in…journeying together.

As His child and a Prayer Warrior, we must pray for one another, for the world and our needs. Times are troubling, and those weak in faith, unsure, those forgotten need our prayers. Let us share our walk of Faith with them.

Many of you look to this page for the Devotional to the Prescious Blood of Jesus Christ. It will remain. Please continue to pray it throughout the year. Many souls will benefit from all your prayerful efforts.

Our mission…to save souls for Jesus Christ. He wants us to seek him. We need to seek him.

May God’s peace and blessings be with you always. Guadalupe Irma


Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Devotion

Thank you for praying this great devotional during the month of July with me. Please pray it forward.

How to pray this devotion How To Pray PB Jesus Christ Devotional — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 1-9 Novena Honor of Nine Choir of Angels

Great Month July: July 1-9 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 13-15 Novena in Honor of the Most Holy Trinity

Great Month July: July 13-15 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 20-31 Novena for the New Israel

Great Month July: July 20-31 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (


Additional prayers to this great devotion:

The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Chaplet of the Precious Blood Chaplet Of The Precious Blood — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Litany Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Consecration Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consolation Prayers Consolation Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Adoration Prayers Adoration Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Anguished Appeals The Anguished Appeals — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Mystical Prayers of our Lord Jesus Christ Mystical Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

May God bless you.

 Three Practices for Catholics/Christians during Lent

3-Practices Catholics/Christians should do during Lent

1.     Prayer-Add extra minutes each day or week to build a stronger relationship with God; Increase daily Mass/Services with Adoration visits with Jesus Christ; Start to read your Bible; add an extra chapter of scripture to read; share your Bible reading with someone to enrich both your lives. And…

Read Matthew 5:1-12 Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes. Which are you and what do you seek these 40-Lenten Days? Matthew, CHAPTER 5 | USCCB

Note: Jesus prayed constantly and deeply the night in the Garden of Gethsemane.

2.     Fasting—abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and every Friday during Lent. What did Jesus give up? He fasted frequently. 

3.     Alms Giving—give extra attention outside your weekly, monthly tithing; (Take on a compassionate heart like Jesus toward your brethren. Give to charities that feed the poor or donate food to St. Vincent de Paul. You just might fill someone’s dinner table that night. Clothe the needy or go through your closet. Do you have something to clothe someone? And house the homeless by sharing a spare room to a friend till they get back on their feet. Through your heartfelt charitable love, may these encounter God.)

Note: What will God see in our hearts as we attempt to make more room for him?

In addition:

1.     Sacrifice a favorite snack/dessert/meal-breakfast or lunch, etc. Create a deeper hunger for Jesus in prayer or scripture as your cravings attempt to get the best of you.

2.     Idolatry: Refrain from obsessions with social media, round-the-clock texting, searching unimportant websites on phones & computers; TV season binging; shopping…just because, drinking, smoking, gambling and more.

Note: I’m not saying a person starts/stops for 40-days then resume. I hope one realizes whichever gets replaced with God first in their life during these 40-days, one sees it’s been with his help. I hope it will continue beyond Lent.


God is testing our hearts this season. Are our hearts filled with only us and our needs? Or have we or will we make MORE room for him?